The Waste Inside Your PPC Keywords
The more I work with our new Keyword Zoom feature the stronger my belief in query mining becomes. I’ve always known keywords were a trick, a distraction, and the wrong way to think about success or...
View ArticleKeyword Kevorkian: When Keywords Should Be Put Out of Their Misery
In nearly every paid search account there are keywords that are costing far more than they are returning – week after week and month after month – and yet are never paused or deleted. Why? This is not...
View ArticleCut Your AdWords Losses In Half – Guaranteed
Last week I talked about killing unprofitable keywords, and promised a follow up with guidelines on making the all-important pause/delete decision. Before getting to that, however, I want to offer a...
View ArticleModified Expanded Broad Match and More
Is it just me or is everything getting MUCH more complicated? Match types have been a pretty basic element in paid search of late. Other than the seemingly relentless creeping range of broad match...
View ArticleClose Variant Matching For All: What That Means For Your Keywords
Google shared an update stating that close variant matching will be enabled for all keywords as of late September. Of course, Google presented this news as a great gift it was bestowing on all...
View ArticleHow to Select the Right Keywords for Your PPC Campaign
One of the most important elements for a successful PPC campaign is selecting the right keywords. It might seem like a pretty seamless task since Google offers tools that can provide search marketers...
View ArticleHow To Set-Up Keyword Insertion For Google PPC Campaigns
Online advertising is a field that can keep marketers awake at night contemplating whether or not they made the right decision when running a pay-per-click campaign. Choosing the right match type,...
View ArticleGoogle’s Keyword Tool isn’t enough for your Digital Marketing Campaigns
It used to be that only PPC specialists or marketers running SEO cared about performing keyword research for digital marketing campaigns, but today nearly everyone in digital marketing needs to know...
View ArticleHow To Draw Targeted Traffic to your Site: 4 Top Tricks
Attracting traffic to your site can be very challenging, especially in the early stages when you have just launched your site. However, it is far from impossible to win over a stream of daily traffic...
View ArticleNegative Keyword Blueprint for Adwords
According to Google, a negative keyword is a type of keyword that prevents your ad from being triggered by a certain word or phrase. It tells Google not to show your ad to anyone who is searching for...
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